Evaluation of the contamination of Antibiotic resistant E. coli at a Wastewater treatment plant in Ho Chi Minh

dc.contributor.authorHuynh, Nhu Hao
dc.contributor.authorThai, Bao Duy
dc.contributor.authorLe, Thai Hoang
dc.description1 p.
dc.description.abstractAntibiotic resistance is an emerging global problem threatening human health as resistant bacteria become difficult or impossible to treat with existing antibacterial drugs. Contamination of antibiotics or substances with antimicrobial activity from human discharge activities including domestic, agricultural, and industrial activities is believed to be the leading cause of antibiotic resistance development. In this study, the indole test and the disk diffusion method are used to confirm E. coli and to measure the multidrug resistance of E. coli in wastewater. As the results, the indole test showed that the highest percentage of positive colonies in S1 about 75-100% and the lowest in S5 about 45-60%. The disk diffusion test showed that E. coli strains resistant to 1 of 5 target antibiotics (Amikacin, Amoxicillin/clavulanic acid, Cefixime, ciprofloxacin, Sulfamethoxazole/Trimethoprim) isolated from wastewater samples gave a total of cross-resistance with other antibiotics is very high. Many strains are resistant to more than 1 antibiotic, especially Amikacin resistant strains have the resistance rate to all 5 antibiotics tested up to 31.25%. The results showed that antibiotic-resistant pollution is present in wastewater in Ho Chi Minh City, and specific action plans need to be taken to minimize the level of pollution as well as the possibility of spreading antibiotic resistance in the environment.
dc.publisherTrường Đại học Nguyễn Tất Thành (Ngành Quản lý Tài nguyên Môi trường)
dc.subjectAntibiotic resistant
dc.subjectXử lý nước thải
dc.titleEvaluation of the contamination of Antibiotic resistant E. coli at a Wastewater treatment plant in Ho Chi Minh
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