Laboratory-scale Extraction of Essential Oil from Black Pepper

dc.contributor.authorDang, Thi Cam Huong, ST
dc.contributor.authorNguyen, Dinh Phuc, MD
dc.description1 page
dc.description.abstractOptimal conditions for hydrodistillation were determined as an extraction time of approximately 60 minutes, a NaCl concentration of 2%, and a water-to-material ratio of 1:15 g/mL, yielding a maximum of 2.19%. For steam distillation, the optimal parameters were 500g of material, an extraction time of about 45 minutes at an evaporation rate of 0.13 ml/s, resulting in a highest yield of 1.57%. In micro-assisted hydrodistillation, the best conditions included an extraction time of approximately 30 minutes, a water-to-material ratio of 1:4 g/mL, and an extraction power of 380W, achieving a maximum yield of 1.4%. GC-MS analysis identified 70 components, constituting 99% of the total composition. The primary compounds in black pepper essential oil were β-caryophyllene, 3-carene, D-limonene, β-pinene, and α-phellandrene.
dc.publisherInstitute of Applied Technology and Sustainable Development, Nguyen Tat Thanh University
dc.subjectEssential oil
dc.subjectBlack pepper
dc.subjectLaboratory-scale Extraction
dc.titleLaboratory-scale Extraction of Essential Oil from Black Pepper
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