Study On Factors Affecting The Hydrolysis Of Coconut Oil

dc.contributor.authorLe, Tran An Vi
dc.contributor.authorDo, Dinh Nhat
dc.description1 page
dc.description.abstractUnlike most other vegetable oils, coconut oil is about 92% saturated fatty acids and contains many medium-chain fatty acids (MCFAs); it is a prevalent ingredient in the chemical industry of fatty oil worldwide. The value of fatty acids has spurred the development of methods for producing fatty acids in coconut oil. The enzymatic hydrolysis method is an excellent way to protect the hydrolyzed product and keep some product properties as desired. The process can obtain a cleaner product, which is a primary concern in food, cosmetic, and biomedical applications. This study aimed to perform the hydrolysis of coconut oil using lipase enzyme catalysis to recover free fatty acids. Various factors affecting the degree of hydrolysis, including the ratio of coconut oil to buffer, lipase enzyme concentration, pH, temperature, and reaction time, were considered. It was found that the optimal parameters for coconut oil hydrolysis are as follows: the ratio of coconut oil to buffer of 1:4, lipase enzyme content of 3%, pH of 7.5, reaction temperature of 50 °C, and a hydrolysis time of 6 hours to achieve the highest degree of hydrolysis at 53%. This finding may contribute to enhancing the economic value of coconut oil.
dc.publisherInstitute of Applied Technology and Sustainable Development, Nguyen Tat Thanh University
dc.subjectCoconut oil
dc.titleStudy On Factors Affecting The Hydrolysis Of Coconut Oil
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