How to effortlessly write a high quality scientific paper in the field of computational engineering and sciences

dc.contributor.authorNguyen, Phu Vinh
dc.contributor.authorStephane Bordasb
dc.contributor.authorAlban de Vaucorbeilc
dc.description32 tr.
dc.description.abstractThis paper outlines a scientific writing process that helps us to have a nearly complete paper when the last analysis task has been finished. The key ideas of this process are: (1) writing should start early in the research project, (2) research and writing are carried out simultaneously, (3) best tools for writing should be used. The process seems working well as it has helped us writing thousands of pages without feeling a pain. We hope it works for you too. Due to our personal preferences, the discussion is confined to LATEX based typesetting where we present guidelines to prepare high-quality images, tables, algorithms and source codes using LATEX. We also discuss writing guidelines such as paper structure, major components of a paper from title, abstract, introduction, results to references, and some common mistakes
dc.publisherTrường Đại học Nguyễn Tất Thành (Tạp Chi Khoa học công nghệ NTT)
dc.subjectScientific writing
dc.subjectScientific publication
dc.titleHow to effortlessly write a high quality scientific paper in the field of computational engineering and sciences
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