Assessment Of The Total Phenolic Contents And Antioxidant Capacities In Roasted Ground Coffee Products In Viet Nam

dc.contributor.authorNguyen, Nhut Truong
dc.contributor.authorTran, Bui Phuc
dc.contributor.authorNguyen, Cong Hau
dc.description1 page
dc.description.abstractCoffee tree is a popular non-alcoholic beverage in the world thanks to its taste and health benefits to humans. TPC results in descending order: light > medium > dark, in which light roast gives the highest total phenolic compounds. Besides, TPC and TEAC differ in degrees of roasting, with light roasting mainly showing the highest value due to the balance between the breakdown of phenolic compounds and the generation of new antioxidant compounds. mainly from the Maillard reactions. The close correlation between TPC and antioxidant capacity for the correlation coefficient (R2> 0.7) suggests that phenolic compounds play an important role in the antioxidant capacity of coffee.
dc.publisherNguyen Tat Thanh University
dc.subjectCoffee tree
dc.subjectPhenolic contents
dc.subjectAntioxidant capacities
dc.titleAssessment Of The Total Phenolic Contents And Antioxidant Capacities In Roasted Ground Coffee Products In Viet Nam
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