On (α + uβ)-constacyclic codes of length 4ps over Fpm+ uFpm

dc.contributor.authorQ. Hai Dinh
dc.contributor.authorNguyen. T Bac
dc.contributor.authorSongsak Sriboonchitta
dc.description16 tr.
dc.description.abstractPresent for any odd prime p such that pm ≡ 3 (mod 4), the structures of all (α + uβ)- constacyclic codes of length 4ps over the finite commutative chain ring Fpm + uFpm (u2 = 0) are established in term of their generator polynomials. When the unit (α+ uβ) is a square, each (α + uβ)-constacyclic code of length 4ps is expressed as a direct sum of two constacyclic codes of length 2ps. In the main case that the unit (α + uβ) is not a square, it is shown that the ambient ring (Fpm +uFpm )[x]∗x4ps −(α+uβ) is a principal ideal ring. From that, the structure, number of codewords, duals of all such (α + uβ)-constacyclic codes are obtained. As an application, we identify all self-orthogonal, dual-containing, and the unique self-dual (α + uβ)-constacyclic codes of length 4ps over Fpm + uFpm
dc.publisherTrường Đại học Nguyễn Tất Thành
dc.subjectConstacyclic codes
dc.subjectDual codes
dc.subjectRepeated-root codes
dc.titleOn (α + uβ)-constacyclic codes of length 4ps over Fpm+ uFpm
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