The effectiveness of using visual communication in teaching vocabulary to non-English majors students at the Foreign Languages Center of Nguyen Tat Thanh University

dc.contributor.authorTran, Trung Kien
dc.description8 p.
dc.description.abstractDue to the essence of English vocabulary learning and its challenges, teachers tend to be in search of effective pedagogical techniques. The current case study aims to explore the usefulness of visual media in teaching vocabulary at Nguyen Tat Thanh University. A total of 240 non-English majors completed an online survey to express their opinions on using visual media in vocabulary class. Findings revealed the benefits, such as interesting learning conditions, stronger word memorization, improved learning strategies, high contexts for word practice, and convenient word meaning presentation. The perceived reasons were interesting, memorable content, different kinds of visualizations, interactive and extensive exercises, and the use of many senses. The results have a few applications to EFL vocabulary teaching and learning at the university. This study could make contributions to future studies as its findings delineated that visual media adapted from the coursebook can facilitate students’ vocabulary learning and foster their learning motivation.
dc.identifier.citationNguyen Tat Thanh University. (2024). Journal of Science and Technology - NTTU, Volume 7, Issue 3. ISSN 2615-9015.
dc.publisherNguyen Tat Thanh University
dc.relation.ispartofseriesJournal of Science and Technology - NTTU; Vol.7, No. 3
dc.subjectVisual media
dc.subjectEFL vocabulary learning
dc.subjectInteractive learning
dc.titleThe effectiveness of using visual communication in teaching vocabulary to non-English majors students at the Foreign Languages Center of Nguyen Tat Thanh University
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