A Mixed-Method Study of ICT Labour Market in Ho Chi Minh City

dc.contributor.authorDuong, Thi Kim Xoa
dc.contributor.authorNguyen, Tuan Anh
dc.contributor.authorTran, Binh Hau
dc.contributor.authorNguyen, Phuong Thong
dc.description9 p.
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of this study is to provide insights into Information and Communication Technology (ICT) labour market in Ho Chi Minh City – the most important centre of VietnameseICT industry. The study was conducted using an innovative mix of semi-structured interview, online survey, desk research, and content analysis methods. Qualitative and quantitative data on enterprise profiles, business directions, employment situation, employment prospect, and job profiles in the industry were collected and analysed to provide a view of the ICT labour market and the ICT employers in Ho Chi Minh City. As it is probably the most comprehensive survey of the ICT labour market for Ho Chi Minh City, the data has been used for the development of a labour market information system.
dc.identifier.citationNguyen Tat Thanh University. (2024). Journal of Science and Technology - NTTU, Volume 7, Issue 3. ISSN 2615-9015.
dc.publisherNguyen Tat Thanh University
dc.relation.ispartofseriesJournal of Science and Technology - NTTU; Vol.7, No. 3
dc.subjectICT industry
dc.subjectJob profile
dc.subjectLabour market information system
dc.subjectLabour market survey
dc.subjectThị trường lao động
dc.titleA Mixed-Method Study of ICT Labour Market in Ho Chi Minh City
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